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martes, 24 de marzo de 2020



We are going to start with the presentations of UNIT 4.
You have until Monday of the next week to send it to me but if you have it before, send it to me once you have reviewed it
You don't need to send me the Power Point.
As for the oral presentation, I have to think about how we are going to do it, since I don't know if everyone can send me a video.
Tomorrow I will send the Power Point example to 6ºB students.

I will continue uploading material to the Blog, so...have a look to it!

Vamos a empezar con las presentaciones del TEMA 4. Como podéis ver, os envío un PP y un Word de ejemplo. Leer con calma las instrucciones del Word. Escribir el texto de vuestra presentación y enviármelo para que lo corrija. 
Tenéis hasta el lunes de la semana que viene para enviármelo pero si la tenéis antes, mandármela cuando la repaséis.
No hace falta que me enviéis el Power Point.
En cuanto a la presentación oral, tengo que pensar cómo lo vamos a hacer, puesto que no sé si todos podréis enviarme un vídeo. 
Mañana enviaré a los alumnos/as de 6ºB mi Power Point de ejemplo. 
Seguiré subiendo material al Blog así que...echarle un vistazo!

Presentation Unit 4
Good morning everybody!
My name is Cristina, today I am going to talk about my family.
Let´s start with my mother. My mother is the kindest, she always helps us with our homework. However, my father is more clever than her…he is a mathematician! He is the most clever but also the laziest!
My older brother is the funniest, he is even funnier than my father. Also, he is the most generous, he always shares his games with me.
My sister is younger than me, but she is taller! She is the worst student of us, but she is the most beautiful. One day, she will be a model.
What about me? I am the sportiest. I love all kind of sports: tennis, football, horse riding, basketball…I want to be an athlete when I am older.
We can not forget Mirgala, our cat. She is the cutest cat in the world, but also the laziest!
As you can see, it is not the biggest family, but is THE BEST!

Como podéis ver, he incluído adjetivos comparativos y superlativos. Intentar también utilizar “linking words”: also, but, and, however…
Yo lo he hecho describiendo a mi familia, es solo una idea. Vosotros podéis comparar animales de la jungla; describiros a vosotros mismos; a vuestro actor/actriz favorito/a; vuestra serie preferida…
Quiero que escribáis el texto y me lo mandéis para que pueda corregirlo. Después, os lo devolveré para que podáis preparar la presentación oral.


2 comentarios:

  1. Hello, I am Andres, the father of Nayra 6°B.Could you tell me what your email address is so that I can send the newsletter yo the girl? Thanks

    1. cristinagarciabarrero@hotmail.com. Ricardo os lo debió de enviar en un Tokapp.
      Un saludo!
